Location: Sebatu, Ubud, Bali
Width: 27 Are (2,700 m2)
Price:IDR 55 jt / acre (IDR 550 rb / m2) USD 61 /m2
Located not far from the tourist attraction in the Pura Gunung Kawi Sebatu, Tegalalang, Ubud. Conditions ground fields with Flat contour ready to be built or developed for villa or residence. Suitable also for investment in areas that already exsist many tourist accommodations like villas, hotel etc
click here for more listing LAND FOR SALE IN UBUD
[googlemaps https://maps.google.co.id/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=id&geocode=&q=ubud+tegalalang&aq=&sll=-8.284433,115.171382&sspn=0.19603,0.336113&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Ubud,+Gianyar,+Bali&t=m&z=13&ll=-8.497388,115.265842&output=embed&w=425&h=350]