
Land for sale in Ubud Tegalalang overlooking to the river and cliff – TJUB074

Land for sale in Tegalalang, Ubud


Location: Tegalalang, Ubud
Land Area: 42 are (4,200 m2
Price: Rp. 32 Mill / are   ( USD 36 /m2 )

Land for sale in Ubud by the river

Located in the area of Tegalalang, Ubud land with an area of 42 acres is ideal to have quite a beautiful view to the cliffs, rivers and natural green Village jungle . Across the river you can see nice terraced rice paddies. The land contour mostly flat ease of processing and the development of this land for villas or Resort. Good opportunity for land / property investment in Ubud, one of Bali prime locations.

click here for any listing LAND FOR SALE IN UBUD

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