Location: Pejeng, Sembuuk
Land Area: 35 acres (3,500 m2) field with the form L
On sale : Rp. 95 Mill / are ( USD 106 / m2 )
This land is located in the Pejeng area, Sembuuk village. not too far from Central Ubud. there are some villas around this area. Highway access from the front and back of the land. The current state of some dry fields and some rice fields. Contour 100% flat. Suitable for private or commercial villa.
Another great opportunity for your property investment in Bali, Paradise island.
click here for MORE LAND IN UBUD
[googlemaps https://maps.google.co.id/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=id&geocode=&q=ubud+bali&aq=&sll=-8.639877,115.140172&sspn=0.050829,0.077162&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Ubud,+Gianyar,+Bali&t=m&z=12&ll=-8.497388,115.265842&output=embed&w=425&h=350]